"YA PAREN A ESE CHAVALON" Demo Tape. October 1997

-Miedo:Ladron de Sueños (Fear:Thief of Dreams) -Golpe de Suerte (Lucky Strike) -Ahogado (Drowned) -Tan Lejos de Mi (So Far Away from Me)

"HOLA MARILU" Demo Tape.Abril 1998

-No Quiero Madurar (I Dont Want to Grow Up) -Aventura de Amor (Love Adventure) -Tan Lejos de Mi (So Far Away from Me) -This Magic Moment -Ahogado


"PLASMA COMPILATION VOL.1" Compilacion CD. Noviembre 1998(Plasma Records)

-Ahogado (Drowned) -Tan Lejos de Mi (So Far Away from Me) -Miedo:Ladron de Sueños (Fear:Thief of Dreams)

"TAN LEJOS DE MI" DEBUT CASSETTE April 1999 (Mosh Hard Records)

-Ahogado (Drowned) -Historia de un Perdedor (Story of a Loser) -Tan Lejos de Mi (So Far Away from Me) -Mi Corazon esta Guardado en un Cajon (My Heart is Locked Inside a Box) -Golpe de Suerte (Lucky Strike) -No Quiero Madurar (I Dont Want to Grow Up) -Demasiado Tarde (Too Late) -Aventura de Amor (Love Adventure) -No Me Siento Nada Bien Aqui (I Dont Feel OK Here) -Miedo:Ladron de Sueños (Fear: Thief of Dreams) -Matando Tu Recuerdo con Alcohol (Killing Your Memory with Beer) -This Magic Moment

This release is distributed worldwide by They take VISA,MASTERCARD etc.Plus, you can order more stuff from their HUGE punk rock catalog of CDs,Cassettes,vynil, tshirts etc.Go there and click on LOCAL MUSIC at the left bottom.Then click on MEXICO and there you are.Order it.Or, do a direct search writting "Bubble Gummers" (separated) in the window.

Click here to visit Interpunk!

"TAN LEJOS DE MI" DEBUT FULL LENGHT CASSETTE This cassette has all the songs from their demos re-recorded for this album. It also has a bunch of nice new tunes.You can see the cover for the tape on the top of this page.It has a glossy color cover and lyrics included.Its avaliable from MOSH HARD RECORDS for $5.00 postpaid worldwide.Wholesale prices avaliable and looking for distributors worldwide.


MOSH HARD RECORDS c/o Fernando, Urano 1409 Nva.Lindavista, Guadalupe,NL 67110 MEXICO or email me at:
