BUBBLE GUMMERS just contributed with the song "Hola Marilu" to the Discos Mutante compilation CD.This punk label is based in Medellin,Colombia.Rumor is the BUBBLE GUMMERS are getting a good quantity of white powder as payment, not official yet but the band members are very happy.Besides the BUBBLE GUMMERS, this compilation CD is going to feauture the next bands:
1- de frente ( hard-core) 2- exigencia (hard-core) 3- ataque en contra (hard-core) 4- 5 de menos (hard-core old school) 5- mojiganga ( ska-core) 6- johnnie walker (hard-core melodico) 7- causa justa (hard-core) 8- formula 4 (punk melodico) 9- el rey gordinflon (ska-punk)
10- jason (hard-core) 11- enzime (punk melodico) 12- randal grave (punk melodico) 13- white frogs (hard-core melodico) 14- wacky kids (punk melodico) 15- D.F.C (hard-core) 16- street bulldogs (hard core-melodico) 17- nitrominds (punk melodico) 18- paura (hard-core) por confirmar 19- A.D.J. (hard-core)por confirmar
20- juanpeyote (hard-core) 21- reciclaje (punk rock) por confirmar.
22- nada que hacer (punk melodico)
23- division minuscula (punk melodico) 24- bubble gummers (punk rock)
25- conspiracion piromana (hard-core) por confirmar 26- 3 de frente (punk melodico) por confirmar
27- G-3 (punk melodico)
28- los skarnales ( ska )
29 - 7 foot midget (hard-core melodico)
30- fun people 31- argies (punk rock) 32- pinhead records 33- utopia records. 34- vieja escuela (old school)
The BUBBLE GUMMERS are also contibuting to the PLASMA COMPILATION VOL.2 with several punk bands from Monterrey,Mexico.Theyre using the songs "Todo Esta Bien" ("Everythings OK"), "La Casa Confortable" ("The Warm House") y "Un Poco de Ti" ("A Little Piece of You"
Stay tuned.